Comment 14 for bug 921208

Revision history for this message
zappacor (zappacor-l) wrote :

Hi Clemens,

first of all, thank you for you support!

And my comments for yours are:

>> Could you please post the exact command line you are using
The last one I issued was:
   qemu-system-x86_64 -net nic,macaddr=00:11:22:C0:FF:EE -net tap,script=qemu-ifup -m 1G -alt-grab -localtime -no-kvm -cpu kvm64,+nx $File.overlay.qcow2
Nothing out of this world, as you can see...

>> the build version, the host system, etc.
Posted this info in comment #8 above, not sure if that's enough or if you want me to gather something else though.

>> BTW, I'm emulating a 64bit Windows, same for you?
Correct, mine is Win7 Enterprise 64bits.

>> I assume you installed Windows with KVM, right?
The really tricky part from my side! :-)
And, by the way, this migth help others to get Win7 to run properly too as I think it's just the installation that gets screwed (again, mine doesn't work after PointSec installation but works fine before it)
So, what I actually did was (briefly, could forward more detailed steps):
1) created a file image (qemu-img)
2) partitioned it (fdisk)
3) NTFS formated it (mkfs.ntfs)
4) mounted it in my PC's filesystem
5) mounted a Win7 installation ISO image too
6) decompressed the .WIM installation file from that ISO image into the mounted disk image (7z)
7) unmounted everything
8) installed a MBR into the disk image (install-mbr)
9) started qemu using that image
At this point, Win7 booted, configured itself, set whatever, reconfigured, rebooted and all that kind of things it does :-)
So, finally a nice and running Win7 64bits under QEMU.
But my problems start when I install PointSec: KVM crashes with above shown dump! And, yes, TCG just always gets the BSOD.
However, taking that image into VirtualBox runs fine even after PointSec installation.

In any case, two things: first of all, lot's of thanks to all the people involved in QEMU, it's a great piece of software man!!! And second, please don't hesitate to ask me for further info, I'd really like to see it working successfully!
