Comment 33 for bug 1856335

Revision history for this message
Heiko Sieger (h-sieger) wrote :

@Jan: this coreinfo output looks good.

I finally managed to get the core /cache alignment right, I believe:

  <vcpu placement="static" current="24">32</vcpu>
    <vcpu id="0" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="no"/>
    <vcpu id="1" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="2" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="3" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="4" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="5" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="6" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="7" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="8" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="9" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="10" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="11" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="12" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="13" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="14" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="15" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="16" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="17" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="18" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="19" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="20" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="21" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="22" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="23" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="24" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="25" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="26" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="27" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="28" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="29" enabled="yes" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="30" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpu id="31" enabled="no" hotpluggable="yes"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="0" cpuset="0"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="1" cpuset="12"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="2" cpuset="1"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="3" cpuset="13"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="4" cpuset="2"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="5" cpuset="14"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="8" cpuset="3"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="9" cpuset="15"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="10" cpuset="4"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="11" cpuset="16"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="12" cpuset="5"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="13" cpuset="17"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="16" cpuset="6"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="17" cpuset="18"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="18" cpuset="7"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="19" cpuset="19"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="20" cpuset="8"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="21" cpuset="20"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="24" cpuset="9"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="25" cpuset="21"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="26" cpuset="10"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="27" cpuset="22"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="28" cpuset="11"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="29" cpuset="23"/>

  <cpu mode="host-passthrough" check="none">
    <topology sockets="1" dies="1" cores="16" threads="2"/>
    <cache mode="passthrough"/>

The Windows Coreinfo output is this:

Logical to Physical Processor Map:
**---------------- Physical Processor 0 (Hyperthreaded)
--**-------------- Physical Processor 1 (Hyperthreaded)
----**------------ Physical Processor 2 (Hyperthreaded)
------**---------- Physical Processor 3 (Hyperthreaded)
--------**-------- Physical Processor 4 (Hyperthreaded)
----------**------ Physical Processor 5 (Hyperthreaded)
------------**---- Physical Processor 6 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------**-- Physical Processor 7 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------** Physical Processor 8 (Hyperthreaded)

Logical Processor to Socket Map:
****************** Socket 0

Logical Processor to NUMA Node Map:
****************** NUMA Node 0

No NUMA nodes.

Logical Processor to Cache Map:
**---------------- Data Cache 0, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
**---------------- Instruction Cache 0, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
**---------------- Unified Cache 0, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
******------------ Unified Cache 1, Level 3, 16 MB, Assoc 16, LineSize 64
--**-------------- Data Cache 1, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--**-------------- Instruction Cache 1, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--**-------------- Unified Cache 2, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----**------------ Data Cache 2, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----**------------ Instruction Cache 2, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----**------------ Unified Cache 3, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------**---------- Data Cache 3, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------**---------- Instruction Cache 3, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------**---------- Unified Cache 4, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------******------ Unified Cache 5, Level 3, 16 MB, Assoc 16, LineSize 64
--------**-------- Data Cache 4, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--------**-------- Instruction Cache 4, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--------**-------- Unified Cache 6, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------**------ Data Cache 5, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------**------ Instruction Cache 5, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------**------ Unified Cache 7, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------------**---- Data Cache 6, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------------**---- Instruction Cache 6, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------------**---- Unified Cache 8, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
------------****** Unified Cache 9, Level 3, 16 MB, Assoc 16, LineSize 64
--------------**-- Data Cache 7, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--------------**-- Instruction Cache 7, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
--------------**-- Unified Cache 10, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------------** Data Cache 8, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------------** Instruction Cache 8, Level 1, 32 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64
----------------** Unified Cache 11, Level 2, 512 KB, Assoc 8, LineSize 64

Logical Processor to Group Map:
****************** Group 0

Haven't been able to test if it performs as expected. Need to do that.

Of course it would be great if QEMU was patched to recognize correct CCX alignment as I'm not sure if and what will be the penalty of this weird setup.