Comment 10 for bug 1738283

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Adam Williamson (awilliamson) wrote :

I found something interesting using showkey in the VM. This is all assuming en-US everywhere, note. On a US keyboard, "<" is a shifted comma (shift-,), ">" is a shifted period (shift-.), and "|" is a shifted backslash (shift-\).

If I run showkey and try the affected characters in virt-manager, the results are kinda what I'd expect. It reports keycode 42 for the shift key, keycode 51 for comma key, keycode 52 for period key, and keycode 43 for backslash key. If I do shift-, (to get a <), it shows keycode 42 down, keycode 51 down, keycode 51 up, keycode 42 up - just what you'd expect. Ditto for > and |: it shows 42d/52d/52u/42u and 42d/43d/43u/42u in those cases.

But if I do this while typing in tigervnc, it reports something quite different. Just pressing the keys alone gives the right codes - 51, 52, 43. But when I try the shifted combinations, it reports keycode *86* for all three keys. That is, so long as shift is held down, pressing the comma, period or backslash key reports keycode 86 - not 51, 52 or 43. Somehow this results in the generation of a > character, not sure how.