Comment 0 for bug 1290370

Revision history for this message
prajeeth (csprajeeth) wrote :

This is a bug that i have noticed in qemu 1.7.50 as well as 1.1.50. It was the latter that forced me to clone the repository to check if this is the case with the resent version as well . The latest commit on which the bug is found is f53f3d0a00b6df39ce8dfca942608e5b6a9a4f71 on qemu.git

configured with target list i386-softmmu
and then

OS: FreeBSD 9.2 Text Install ISO
Installed it to a qcow2 format image.

./i386-softmmu/qemu-system-i386 -hda <bsd-image> -m 2G -smp 4 -net nic -net user -monitor stdio

(boot into multi-user mode)->(login to root account)

I have the filebench benchmark installed on the image and when i run it the default root shell (csh) crashes with the error.
[pid xxxx (csh) sigreturn eflag = 0xXXXX]
Here is the piece of kernel code that is getting executed (i think)

Here is a related bug

The crash happens randomly. It is not just related with filebench.
Here are a few scenarios:
* When i run fileserver workload of filebench
* After i issue the shutdown -h now shutdown -r now commands
* Issuing mount -t linprocfs proc /proc

Moreover it is not guaranteed that the above scenarios will reproduce it (reliably).
Basically after running some commands and getting the CPU and the kernel worked up i think.