Comment 15 for bug 1278977

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wbx (k-mail-n) wrote :

Hi Mark,

I tried the cmd646 driver again and it works fine now. I can even extract the perl code without problems.
No deadlock, even with a high load of the host system.

When switching back to virtio using following command:
qemu-system-sparc64 -M sun4u -nographic -net nic,model=virtio -net user -drive file=qemu-sparc64.img,if=virtio,index=0 -kernel /home/wbx/sparc64/firmware/qemu-sparc64_glibc/qemu-sparc64-archive-kernel qemu-sparc64.img
The deadlock can be reproduced again using Qemu 2.1.
Interesting is that I can not reproduce the deadlock using qemu-system--aarch64, which uses virtio, too.
But for qemu-system-aarch64 I need following command:
qemu-system-aarch64 -nographic -M virt -cpu cortex-a57 -smp 1 -netdev user,id=eth0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=eth0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=vda -drive file=qemu-aarch64.img,if=none,id=vda -kernel /home/wbx/aarch64/firmware/qemu-aarch64_glibc/qemu-aarch64-archive-kernel qemu-aarch64.img

The sparc64 system emulator does not work with this syntax and I get following warning with the other one:
qemu-system-sparc64: unable to init msix vectors to 3
qemu-system-sparc64: -drive file=qemu-sparc64.img,if=virtio,index=0: unable to init msix vectors to 2

Hmm, I think I haven't seen this messages with older Qemu versions. Both are using virtio, why the deadlock only occurs with sparc64?