Comment 1 for bug 534787

Revision history for this message
Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote : Re: qpull does not understand lp: URLs in branch.conf

I've just put lp:qbzr/0.18 into the branch.conf of my qbzr development branch.

Trying standard bzr commands:

C:\work\Bazaar\plugins\qbzr>bzr info
Lightweight checkout (format: 2a)
  light checkout root: .
   checkout of branch: .bzr/branches/0.18
    shared repository: .bzr/branches

Related branches:
  parent branch: .bzr/branches/0.18/lp:qbzr/0.18

C:\work\Bazaar\plugins\qbzr>bzr pull
Using saved parent location: C:/work/Bazaar/plugins/qbzr/.bzr/branches/0.18/lp:qbzr/0.18
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "C:/work/Bazaar/plugins/qbzr/.bzr/branches/0.18/lp:qbzr/0.18/".

So as I can see the standard bzr behavior is the same as qbzr one: bzr don't understand directory services in branch.conf. And because qbzr just uses bzr API we get the same problems as bzr core has.

Based on your bug report I don't understand how it actually works for you with plain `bzr pull`.

I'm inclined to mark this bug as Invalid for QBzr or re-assign it to bzr core.