Comment 0 for bug 273509

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Garnier (zigarn) wrote : qlog on shared repository which is a branch show only branch log

If a shared repository is also a branch, qlog on it show only branch log and not repository branches logs.

$ bzr init-repo --no-trees test
Shared repository (format: pack-0.92)
  shared repository: test

$ bzr init test
Repository tree (format: pack-0.92)
  shared repository: test
  repository branch: test

$ bzr co test test_co
$ echo "test" > test_co/file
$ bzr add test_co/file
$ bzr ci test_co/file
Committing to: test/
added file
Committed revision 1.

$ bzr branch test test/branch
Branched 1 revision(s).

$ bzr co test/branch branch_co
$ echo "branch" > branch_co/file
$ bzr ci branch_co/file
Committing to: test/branch/
modified file
Committed revision 2.

$ bzr qlog test --> show only test branch log

$ bzr qlog test test/branch --> show test and test/branch branches logs

It would be nice to be able to show repository log (maybe via flag --repository or anything else) and not only branch log in this case.