Comment 1 for bug 1012907

Revision history for this message
Kevin R. Bulgrien (kevin-bulgrien) wrote :

Tortoise Bazaar 0.6.6
Executable: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\tbzrcommand.exe
Library: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\\tbzrlib
from bzr checkout C:/
  revision: 16
  revid: <email address hidden>
  branch nick: c

Bazaar (bzr) 2.5.0
  from bzr checkout C:/
    revision: 16
    revid: <email address hidden>
    branch nick: c
  Python interpreter: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\python26.dll 2.6.6
  Python standard library: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\
  Platform: Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3
  bzrlib: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\\bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: C:/Documents and Settings/kbulgrien/Application Data/bazaar/2.0
  Bazaar log file: C:\Documents and Settings\kbulgrien\My Documents\.bzr.log
bzrtools 2.5.0
Various useful commands for working with bzr.
changelog_merge 2.5.0
Merge hook for GNU-format ChangeLog files
colo 0.4.0
Work with colocated branches using current technology.
explorer 1.2.2
Version Control for Human Beings.
fastimport 0.14.0dev
FastImport Plugin
git 0.6.7
A GIT branch and repository format implementation for bzr.
launchpad 2.5.0 integration plugin for Bazaar.
loom 2.3.0dev
(no description)
netrc_credential_store 2.5.0
Use ~/.netrc as a credential store for authentication.conf.
news_merge 2.5.0
Merge hook for bzr's NEWS file.
pipeline 1.4.0
Manage a series of branches as a pipeline.
qbzr 0.22.1
QBzr - Qt-based frontend for Bazaar
rewrite 0.6.4dev
Rebase support.
svn 1.1.2
Support for Subversion branches
upload 1.0.1dev
Upload a working tree, incrementally.
xmloutput 0.8.8
This plugin adds an option (--xml) to log and provides an xml version of some builtin commands.