Comment 2 for bug 587070

Revision history for this message
anyway (gosustyle87) wrote :

I watched in the plugin code:
When you search for "ubuntu 10.04" from the torrent site, it will give you first the exactly match of "ubuntu 10.04", if it's found, then all results containing "ubuntu", "10.04" and the rest.
qBittorrent, instead, does the request of the first 11 pages of results ordered by seed, so if "ubuntu 8.04" has more seeders of ubuntu 10.04, it will show "ubuntu 8.04" first. This is causing many results that, apparently, make no sense.

A solution could be to change the url query to not ordering them, so we will have meaningful results first. But this is still bad, if we want to order results by seeders to download fast. Probably a radio box filter "exactly match" as suggested before from SDERAWI would be, in my opinion, a good solution.

I'm sorry for my bad english and I hope to have helped you in addressing the problem.