Comment 1 for bug 1855021

Revision history for this message
Brian Park (xparks) wrote :

My understanding is that construction of a datetime using the constructor that takes a pytz timezone object is not supported (
) due to a deficiency in the datetime API (

Except from the first link above:

"This library only supports two ways of building a localized time. The first is to use the localize() method provided by the pytz library. This is used to localize a naive datetime (datetime with no timezone information):
The second way of building a localized time is by converting an existing localized time using the standard astimezone() method:
Unfortunately using the tzinfo argument of the standard datetime constructors ‘’does not work’’ with pytz for many timezones.

This means that datetime for Toronto or Montreal must be constructed this way:

>>> toronto = pytz.timezone('America/Toronto')
>>> montreal = pytz.timezone('America/Montreal')

>>> dtor = toronto.localize(datetime(2019, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6))
>>> dmon = montreal.localize(datetime(2019, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6))

>>> print(dtor)
2019-06-06 06:06:06.000006-04:00

>>> print(dmon)
2019-06-06 06:06:06.000006-04:00