Comment 1 for bug 1726734

Revision history for this message
Yao Wang (nihaome521) wrote :

I tried several times, but failed to replicate this bug.

[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]# nova list|grep rdswy
| b4d6ace6-887a-4391-a238-582c433349ce | rdswy | SHUTOFF | - | Shutdown | private-share-v1249_10.132.49=; bigdata_network= |
[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]#
[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]# trove list
| ID | Name | Datastore | Datastore Version | Status | Flavor ID | Size | Region |
| d884ba96-a6bf-4e62-adb0-1e93a8c8e80f | rdswy | mysql | 5.6-cluster | ACTIVE | 310 | 1 | |
[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]# trove show d884ba96-a6bf-4e62-adb0-1e93a8c8e80f
| Property | Value |
| created | 2017-11-07T16:46:22 |
| datastore | mysql |
| datastore_version | 5.6-cluster |
| flavor | 310 |
| id | d884ba96-a6bf-4e62-adb0-1e93a8c8e80f |
| ip | |
| name | rdswy |
| networks | {u'name': u'private-share-v1249_10.132.49', u'id': u'141ed22d-36ba-4436-af79-b05bbf9016e0'} |
| status | ACTIVE |
| updated | 2017-11-07T16:46:25 |
| volume | 1 |
[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]# trove show d884ba96-a6bf-4e62-adb0-1e93a8c8e80g
ERROR: No instance with a name or ID of 'd884ba96-a6bf-4e62-adb0-1e93a8c8e80g' exists.
[root@oracle12c /etc/trove]#