Comment 3 for bug 1365702

Revision history for this message
Mayuri Ganguly (mayuri-ganguly) wrote :

If you have more than one datastore version, only then you need to specify the version, else you may not. Since there is only one datastore version for the case below, I need not specify it exclusively.

vagrant@trustystack:~/trove-integration/scripts$ trove configuration-create trove_def2 '{"max_connections": 5}'
| Property | Value |
| created | 2015-02-11T04:59:37 |
| datastore_name | mysql |
| datastore_version_id | a6ef0408-1703-4510-9798-4181b24cb19a |
| datastore_version_name | 5.5 |
| description | None |
| id | 69cabbc2-9895-491d-bbe6-5f1a8dd00c00 |
| instance_count | 0 |
| name | trove_def2 |
| updated | 2015-02-11T04:59:37 |
| values | {u'max_connections': 5} |