Comment 1 for bug 1752205

Revision history for this message
Nick Maludy (nmaludy) wrote :

It would be great if this token could be passed in via the URL, example: consul://<email address hidden>

I verified this could be done by hijacking the username or password portions of the URL:

In [6]: result = oslo_utils.netutils.urlsplit("consul://<email address hidden>")

In [7]: result.username
Out[7]: 'fe3b8d40-0ee0-8783-6cc2-ab1aa9bb16c1'

In [8]: result = oslo_utils.netutils.urlsplit("consul://:<email address hidden>")

In [9]: result.password
Out[9]: 'fe3b8d40-0ee0-8783-6cc2-ab1aa9bb16c1'