Comment 1 for bug 1231321

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Pete Zaitcev (zaitcev) wrote :

I went to fix it up and found that, oddly enough, we already had it.

In python-swiftclient-1.4.0 (comes with RHOS 3 Grizzly):

[root@rhev-a24c-01 swift]# swift post --help
Usage: post [options] [container] [object]
    Updates meta information for the account, container, or object depending on
    the args given. If the container is not found, it will be created
    automatically; but this is not true for accounts and objects. Containers
    also allow the -r (or --read-acl) and -w (or --write-acl) options. The -m
    or --meta option is allowed on all and used to define the user meta data
    items to set in the form Name:Value. This option can be repeated. Example:
    post -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large

In 1.6.0 (Havana), it says:

Usage: Updates meta information for the account, container, or object.
If the container is not found, it will be created automatically.

Positional arguments:
  <container> Name of container to post to
  <object> Name of object to post. Specify multiple times
                        for multiple objects

Which is easier to read.

Dafna is the problem that the list of commands does not specify that
post creates containers? I mean "swift --help" without any other