Comment 0 for bug 1750395

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote : openstack server create should default --nic to 'auto' if --os-compute-api-version>=2.36

As of the 2.36 compute API microversion, a 'networks' value is required in the server create request body.

stack@multiattach2:~$ openstack server create --flavor 1 --config-drive True --volume cirros-volume --wait server2
nics are required after microversion 2.36
stack@multiattach2:~$ printenv OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION

If the user did not specify a --nic value and the compute API version is >= 2.36, we should just default the --nic arg value to 'auto' since that's the behavior before 2.36 (compute service figures out the network to use for you).