Comment 0 for bug 1686936

Revision history for this message (eblock) wrote :

We are running a Mitaka environment. When browsing there was a question about changing a project's domain and I wanted to test if that works. According to [1] it's not designed to be changed, but there is still the option in openstackclient:
---cut here---
(openstack) project set -h
usage: project set [-h] [--name <name>] [--domain <domain>]
                   [--description <description>] [--enable | --disable]
                   [--property <key=value>]

Set project properties

positional arguments:
  <project> Project to modify (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help show this help message and exit
  --name <name> Set project name
  --domain <domain> Domain owning <project> (name or ID)
---cut here---

Executing the command with a valid project ID leads to an error, saying there is no such project:
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control1:~ # openstack project list
| ID | Name |
| 1d8581b15e714e59a7ab15c598809b11 | SES |
| 2e2408fba09844809e6b8c65529cb3f8 | DEMO |
| 4654ccbd038b45c4a92f18c0f0999bbf | SERVICE |
| 67ba6231930c4e13b2b1c6ba5972921f | PLA |
| 90c403f317ee47feb0dad58461e76fb1 | ADMIN |

control1:~ # openstack project set --domain default 67ba6231930c4e13b2b1c6ba5972921f
No project with a name or ID of '67ba6231930c4e13b2b1c6ba5972921f' exists.
---cut here---

Obviously, that's not true. If it's not supposed to be changed, I would expect a correct error message or the option should be disabled.

Please let me know if I there's more information required.
