Comment 3 for bug 1479981

Revision history for this message
Rui Zang (rui-zang) wrote :

If you specific the tenant-id or project-id by the "--tenant-id" option, you will get the correct result.

stack@rzang-devstack-vm:~/work/devstack$ neutron quota-show --tenant-id test
| Field | Value |
| network | 10 |
| port | 50 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
stack@rzang-devstack-vm:~/work/devstack$ neutron quota-update --tenant-id test --port 100
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 10 |
| port | 100 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
stack@rzang-devstack-vm:~/work/devstack$ openstack quota show test
Namespace(columns=[], default=False, formatter='table', max_width=0, prefix='', project='test', quota_class=False, variables=[])
{u'subnet': 10, u'network': 10, u'floatingip': 50, u'subnetpool': -1, u'security_group_rule': 100, u'security_group': 10, u'router': 10, u'port': 100}
| Field | Value |
| backup_gigabytes | 1000 |
| backups | 10 |
| cores | 20 |
| fixed-ips | -1 |
| floating-ips | 50 |
| gigabytes | 1000 |
| gigabytes_lvmdriver-1 | -1 |
| injected-file-size | 10240 |
| injected-files | 5 |
| injected-path-size | 255 |
| instances | 10 |
| key-pairs | 100 |
| network | 10 |
| per_volume_gigabytes | -1 |
| port | 100 |
| project | test |
| properties | 128 |
| ram | 51200 |
| router | 10 |
| secgroup-rules | 100 |
| secgroups | 10 |
| server_group_members | 10 |
| server_groups | 10 |
| snapshots | 10 |
| snapshots_lvmdriver-1 | -1 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
| volumes | 10 |
| volumes_lvmdriver-1 | -1 |

I guess without the "-tenant-id" option, `neutron quota-update` just update the default value. I am looking into it.