Comment 0 for bug 1404073

Revision history for this message
Lin Hua Cheng (lin-hua-cheng) wrote : name should be optional for service-create

According to the api only the service type is mandatory.

name, description and enabled field are optional.

openstack-client should not require the name as it is optional in the service, this is to make the validation consistent.

$ openstack service create --type service_type_1
usage: openstack service create [-h] [-f {html,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                [--prefix PREFIX] --type <service-type>
                                [--description <service-description>]
openstack service create: error: too few arguments

Type should be the only field required and name should be optional.

This is for keystone v3.