Comment 5 for bug 1557888

Revision history for this message
Markus Zoeller (markus_z) (mzoeller) wrote :

OK, got it now, so it's about the feedback of the python-novaclient.
It looks like we have 3 different strategies to provide feedback:

1. Print a message that the task is accepted
2. Print a table with details of the deleted object
3. Print nothing

Feedback 1 is usefull for long running asynchronous tasks like the
creation of instances:

    stack@stack:~$ nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec \
    --flavor m1.tiny my-own-instance
    # [... snip instance details ...]
    stack@stack:~$ nova delete my-own-instance
    Request to delete server my-own-instance has been accepted.

Feeback 2 is used for deleting a flavor:

    stack@stack:~$ nova flavor-create my-own-flavor 12345 512 0 3
    # [... snip flavor details ...]
    stack@stack:~$ nova flavor-delete my-own-flavor
    | ID | Name | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap |[...]
    | 12345 | my-own-flavor | 512 | 0 | 0 | |[...]

Feedback 3 is used for deleting an agent (as you find out) and also for
deleting a keypair:

    stack@stack:~$ nova agent-create linux x86 1.0 \
    0e49760580a20076fbba7b1e3ccd20e2 libvirt
    # [... snip agent details ...]
    stack@stack:~$ nova agent-delete 1

    stack@stack:~$ nova keypair-add my-own-keypair
    # [... snip keypair details ...]
    stack@stack:~$ nova keypair-delete my-own-keypair

I'd say that "nova agent-delete" doesn't fall into the "feedback 1"
category as it isn't a long running task. Because other "nova *-delete"
commands also don't provide feedback, I'm not sure if this is a valid
bug report. I'm going to ask around.

Test Env:
I tested with Nova master (Mitaka cycle), commit 859ff48