Comment 2 for bug 883905

Revision history for this message
Georg Brandl (gbrandl) wrote :

No, I had already fixed that before. Maybe it's because of my customization? The py- variables are set like this:

 '(py-closing-list-dedents-bos t)
 '(py-encoding-string "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")
 '(py-honor-comment-indentation t)
 '(py-imenu-show-method-args-p t)
 '(py-load-python-mode-pymacs-p nil)
 '(py-shebang-startstring "#!/usr/bin/env")
 '(py-shell-name "ipython")
 '(py-shell-switch-buffers-on-execute nil)

It kind of seems to me like python-mode does find the correct indentation, but the logic cycling through the different possible indentation levels is flawed; maybe some cycle state needs to be reset?