Comment 1 for bug 857003

Revision history for this message
Andreas Roehler (a-roehler) wrote :

Hi Barry,

using this daily, didn't notice such a bug neither with Emacs-24... nor Emacs-23... .

The following script


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pdb

news = "pdbtrack is broken python-mode.el, lp:857003"

print "news: %s " % news


prints nicely:

(Pdb) s
> MY_PATH/<module>()
-> print "news: %s " % news
(Pdb) p news
'pdbtrack is broken python-mode.el, lp:857003'


send you extract of M-x describe-mode below

Please send output from

Emacs -Q, M-x report-emacs-bug

should you need further investigation.




(Information about these minor modes follows the major mode info.)

Python mode defined in `python-mode.el':
Major mode for editing Python files.
To submit a problem report, enter `C-c C-b' from a
`python-mode' buffer. Do `C-c ?' for detailed
documentation. To see what version of `python-mode' you are running,
enter `C-c C-v'.

This mode knows about Python indentation, tokens, comments and
continuation lines. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-j py-newline-and-indent
C-x Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
# py-electric-comment
% py-match-paren
: py-electric-colon
s-TAB ar-count-parentized-in-singlequoted-atpt
s-S hs-show-all
s-f ar-forward-python-expression-atpt
s-o zu-indent
s-q ar-python-expression-atpt
s-s hs-hide-all
s-ß py-expression-atpt
<C-backspace> py-hungry-delete-backwards
<backspace> py-electric-backspace
<delete> py-electric-delete
<return> py-newline-and-indent
<s-backspace> ar-py-outdent-line

C-x n Prefix Command

C-M-a py-beginning-of-def-or-class
C-M-e py-end-of-def-or-class
C-M-h py-mark-def-or-class
C-M-x py-execute-def-or-class
M-n py-end-of-statement
M-p py-beginning-of-statement

C-c C-a py-mark-statement
C-c C-b py-submit-bug-report
C-c C-c py-execute-buffer
C-c C-d py-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking
C-c C-e py-describe-symbol
C-c C-f py-sort-imports
C-c C-k py-mark-block-or-clause
C-c C-l py-shift-left
C-c RET py-execute-import-or-reload
C-c C-n py-end-of-statement
C-c C-p py-beginning-of-statement
C-c C-q py-end-of-block
C-c C-r py-shift-right
C-c C-s py-execute-string
C-c C-t py-toggle-shells
C-c C-u py-beginning-of-block
C-c C-v py-version
C-c C-w py-pychecker-run
C-c ! py-shell
C-c # py-comment-region
C-c - py-up-exception
C-c / py-indent-line-outmost
C-c : py-guess-indent-offset
C-c < py-shift-left
C-c = py-down-exception
C-c > py-shift-right
C-c ? py-describe-mode
C-c c py-compute-indentation
C-c p druck
C-c | py-execute-region
C-c <delete> py-hungry-delete-forward
C-c <tab> py-indent-region

C-x n d py-narrow-to-defun


py-indent-offset indentation increment
py-block-comment-prefix comment string used by `comment-region'
py-python-command shell command to invoke Python interpreter
py-temp-directory directory used for temp files (if needed)
py-beep-if-tab-change ring the bell if `tab-width' is changed