Comment 15 for bug 835151

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Juan A Rodriguez (juant-rodri) wrote :

Hi Terry & Andreas:

 Terry Jones (terrycojones) wrote 10 hours ago:

> Looks like earlier I just put

> (setq py-default-interpreter "ipython"
> py-python-command "ipython")
> into my ~/.emacs and it worked.

Terry, It didn't work for me...
I was able to load the ipython by adding to .emacs

     (setq py-shell-name "ipython")

as said here:

but when i evaluate the code, the output is given in the
standard python interpreter.

> Juan, may you check out the current trunk?
> Please tell, should you need help for this.

Andreas, i'm a newbie with all this stuff... With current trunk, do you refer to the latest version?
I tried it, and now the error turned out to be:

"File mode specification error: (void-variable py-mode-map)"

Any idea?

> Likewise using M-x customize py-shell-name should make it survive upgrades.
> If you want to have another default shell than shipped, there is no way than indicating that somehow.

How can I do this??

> Beside of this - with changes of py-shell-name taking a full-path, the bug titeling here might show up in some circumstances
> again.

Should I indicate the full path in here?
(setq py-shell-name "ipython")

Thanks so much to both of you. So kind people!

PS: Seriouly thinking about going back to 5.2.0...