Comment 11 for bug 1361535

Revision history for this message (deuscovrigus) wrote :

So I'll try to be more explicit, this time attaching png screenshots.
Just-two simply kills all windows leaving only one window split vertically OR horizontally, depending on whether the user called C-x 2 or C-x 3 first. That's what I meant by the statement "With 'just-two, there is no top-left, there is either top/down ( equivalent of C-x 2) OR left /right (equivalent of C-x 3)

Now what bothers me is that the t option won't keep the setup obtained by starting with one window and typing :
C-x 2 <RET> C-x 3 <RET>, i.e., see attachment init_setup.png
Executing python once from the top left window will produce the setup shown in after_executing_buffer_t.png.

Two behaviours follow on subsequent execution:
a) ipython buffer is visible in one of the windows: execution happens normally.

b) if the ipython buffer is killed or is not visible in the other windows, the split happens again , as show in after_killing_ipython_and_executing_again.png

So the t option really doesn't like re-using existing buffers.

Let me know is this is explained more clearly.