Comment 1 for bug 2065773

Revision history for this message
haixin (haixin77) wrote :

hi, I can't reproduce the bug you described, like below.
So, I guess there is a problem with the osc_lib package on your environment and you need to upgrade it?

root@haixin-devstack:~# openstack share network list
| ID | Name |
| 0694dbf4-690f-41f4-8d34-2a0fb828c2ce | just_for_test |
root@haixin-devstack:~# openstack share network show just_for_test
| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2024-05-29T08:54:06.438175 |
| description | None |
| id | 0694dbf4-690f-41f4-8d34-2a0fb828c2ce |
| name | just_for_test |
| network_allocation_update_support | True |
| project_id | 714198c7ac5e45a4b785de732ea4695d |
| security_service_update_support | True |
| security_services | |
| share_network_subnets | |
| | id = 35373653-7e10-446c-b56c-184d9378fff9 |
| | availability_zone = None |
| | created_at = 2024-05-29T08:54:06.662712 |
| | updated_at = None |
| | segmentation_id = None |
| | neutron_net_id = None |
| | neutron_subnet_id = None |
| | ip_version = None |
| | cidr = None |
| | network_type = None |
| | mtu = None |
| | gateway = None |
| | properties = <osc_lib.cli.format_columns.DictColumn object at 0x7fd8c3fb3f40> |
| status | active |
| updated_at | None |
root@haixin-devstack:~# ^C