Comment 6 for bug 1544839

Revision history for this message
Eva Balycheva (ubershy) wrote :

I use python-keystoneclient==2.1.2. This is the latest version available in pypi.

> This obviously passes the gate in Rally and is the recommended way to construct clients now.
As I said Zaqar-related jobs in Rally project pass because they don't use high load like in "zaqar-zaqar.yaml". Once you increase the numbers in them, they will fail too.
Any of them will not fail, if Rally is downgraded to patch older than
It's easy not to trust me. But it's also easy to reproduce the problem locally in DevStack:
1. Enable Rally and Zaqar plugins in your "local.conf".
2. Also to download fresh versions of software, add "RECLONE=yes" and "PIP_UPGRADE=True" lines to your "local.conf".
2. Start DevStack.
3. In the terminal run: "rally task start /opt/stack/zaqar/rally-jobs/zaqar-zaqar.yaml". The job will fail.
4. cd to "/opt/stack/rally" and run: "git review -d 274700". This will download Rally just before patch.
5. In the terminal run: "rally task start /opt/stack/zaqar/rally-jobs/zaqar-zaqar.yaml". The job will pass.

If the problem occurs only on high load, I guess, there might be a race condition involved somewhere.