Comment 2 for bug 1631326

Revision history for this message
Sofiia Andriichenko (sandriichenko) wrote :

it corresponds to "openstack help baremetal port set" and "openstack help baremetal port unset"

# openstack help baremetal port set
usage: openstack baremetal port set [-h] [--node <uuid>] [--address <address>]
                                    [--extra <key=value>]

Set baremetal port properties.

positional arguments:
  <port> UUID of the port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help show this help message and exit
  --node <uuid> Set UUID of the node that this port belongs to
  --address <address> Set MAC address for this port
  --extra <key=value> Extra to set on this baremetal port (repeat option to
                       set multiple extras)

# openstack help baremetal port unset

usage: openstack baremetal port unset [-h] [--extra <key>] <port>

Unset baremetal port properties.

positional arguments:
  <port> UUID of the port.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help show this help message and exit
  --extra <key> Extra to unset on this baremetal port (repeat option to unset
                 multiple extras)