Comment 1 for bug 1665664

Revision history for this message
Seamanhanshan (yaojun) wrote :

it should be a issue, but we can get the introspection state via ironic API implicitly.

For example:
$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 399c52ce-e8cf-4202-a9c7-5bc4f95f2a24 | BM-132 | None | power on | inspecting | False |

$ openstack baremetal introspection status 399c52ce-e8cf-4202-a9c7-5bc4f95f2a24
| Field | Value |
| error | None |
| finished | False |
| finished_at | None |
| links | [{u'href': u'', u'rel': u'self'}] |
| started_at | 2017-02-21T01:11:20 |
| uuid | 399c52ce-e8cf-4202-a9c7-5bc4f95f2a24 |