Comment 0 for bug 1732323

Revision history for this message
jialiang gao (chialiang) wrote :

I configured two volume backend in a host, and retrieved the backend volume stats and properties information on this host through "cinder get-capabilities", which only showed the first volume backend status and properties information

stack@openstack:~$ cinder service-list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |
| cinder-backup | openstack | nova | enabled | up | 2017-11-14T02:42:23.000000 | - |
| cinder-scheduler | openstack | nova | enabled | up | 2017-11-14T02:42:18.000000 | - |
| cinder-volume | openstack@ceph | nova | enabled | up | 2017-11-14T02:42:16.000000 | - |
| cinder-volume | openstack@lvmdriver-1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-11-14T02:42:23.000000 | - |

stack@openstack:~$ cinder get-capabilities openstack
| Volume stats | Value |
| driver_version | 3.0.0 |
| pools | [{u'pool_name': u'lvmdriver-1', u'filter_function': None, u'goodness_function': None, u'total_volumes': 1, u'provisioned_capacity_gb': 0.0, u'multiattach': False, u'thin_provisioning_support': True, u'free_capacity_gb': 4.75, u'location_info': u'LVMVolumeDriver:openstack:stack-volumes-lvmdriver-1:thin:0', u'total_capacity_gb': u'4.75', u'thick_provisioning_support': False, u'reserved_percentage': 0, u'QoS_support': False, u'max_over_subscription_ratio': 20.0}] |
| sparse_copy_volume | True |
| storage_protocol | iSCSI |
| topic | openstack@lvmdriver-1 |
| vendor_name | Open Source |
| volume_backend_name | lvmdriver-1 |
| Backend properties | Value |
| compression | {u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'\u542f\u7528\u538b\u7f29\u3002', u'title': u'Compression'} |
| qos | {u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'\u542f\u7528 QoS\u3002', u'title': u'QoS'} |
| replication_enabled | {u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'\u542f\u7528\u590d\u5236\u3002', u'title': u'Replication'} |
| thin_provisioning | {u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'\u8bbe\u7f6e\u81ea\u52a8\u7cbe\u7b80\u914d\u7f6e\u3002', u'title': u'Thin Provisioning'} |