Comment 1 for bug 706630

Revision history for this message
Alistair Broomhead (alistair-broomhead) wrote :

The original behaviour has mostly been fixed - A tree of doors is built on world initialisation, and when moving from one level to another the path to each door in the initial level is calculated, as is the path from each door in the target level, then the set of door-traversals needed to get from the initial doors to the target doors is built. Each of these traversals has a cost - the number of squares that must be crossed to get from the start to the end. This is added to the cost of getting to the first door and from the last to give the cost of that path, and the path of lowest cost is chosen.

This does not however appear to be working correctly - there is doubtlessly some bug-fixing to do, however I think the basic algorithm feels right.