Comment 11 for bug 456870

Revision history for this message
Edward K. Ream (edreamleo) wrote :

I can now demonstrate exactly where the unbound recursion happens.

The following is a debugger that warns me when the stack gets too big. It is a subclass of pdb, but it overrides two methods in Here it is::

class debugger(pdb.Pdb):

    def __init__(self,completekey='tab',stdin=None,stdout=None):
        self.stackLimit = 200 # Found by trial and error.

    # dispatch_call (override bdb)
    def dispatch_call(self, frame, arg):
        # XXX 'arg' is no longer used

        # EKR: new code.
        stack,junk = self.get_stack(frame,None)
        if len(stack) > self.stackLimit:
            print('(debugger.stop_here) stackCount %s' % len(stack))

        # Existing code.
        if self.botframe is None:
            # First call of dispatch since reset()
            self.botframe = frame.f_back # (CT) Note that this may also be None!
            return self.trace_dispatch
        if not (self.stop_here(frame) or self.break_anywhere(frame)):
            # No need to trace this function
            return # None
        self.user_call(frame, arg)
        if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit
        return self.trace_dispatch

    # set_continue (override bdb)
    def set_continue(self):

        # Don't stop except at breakpoints or when finished
        self._set_stopinfo(self.botframe, None)

        # EKR: Always run with overhead
        if False:
            if not self.breaks:
                # no breakpoints; run without debugger overhead
                frame = sys._getframe().f_back
                while frame and frame is not self.botframe:
                    del frame.f_trace
                    frame = frame.f_back

And here is the stack trace when the stack limit tripped. It includes some print statements I inserted while stepping through the code.

Breakpoint 1 at c:\python26\lib\site-packages\logilab_astng-0.19.3-py2.6.egg\logilab\astng\
> c:\python26\lib\site-packages\pylint-0.19.0-py2.6.egg\pylint\
-> self._rcfile = None
(Pdb) disable 1
(Pdb) c astng_from_file: not in cache: c:\leo.repo\until\ astng_from_file: calling file_build(pylintTest) astng_from_file: not in cache: c:\leo.repo\until\leo\ astng_from_file: calling file_build(leo) astng_from_file: not in cache: c:\leo.repo\until\leo\core\ astng_from_file: calling file_build(leo.core) astng_from_file: not in cache: c:\leo.repo\until\leo\core\ astng_from_file: calling file_build(leo.core.leoGlobals) astng_from_file: not in cache: c:\leo.repo\until\leo\core\ astng_from_file: calling file_build(leo.core.leoApp)
(debugger.stop_here) stackCount 201
> c:\python26\lib\site-packages\logilab_astng-0.19.3-py2.6.egg\logilab\astng\
-> def _set_proxied(const):
(Pdb) w
('', 201)
-> res = func(*args, **kwds)
-> linter.check(args)
-> self.check_astng_module(astng, checkers)
-> self.astng_events(astng, aList,top=True)
-> self.astng_events(child, checkers, _reversed_checkers,top=False)
-> checker.visit(astng)
-> method(node)
-> self._check_module_attrs(node, module, parts[1:])
-> module = module.getattr(name)[0].infer().next()
-> nodes = [n for n in func(*args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(n, cls)]
-> return [self.import_module(name, relative_only=True)]
-> return MANAGER.astng_from_module_name(absmodname)
-> return self.astng_from_file(filepath, modname, fallback=False)
-> astng = ASTNGBuilder(self).file_build(filepath, modname)
-> node = self.string_build(data, modname, path)
-> return self.ast_build(parse(data + '\n'), modname, path)
-> self.rebuilder.walk(node)
-> self.delayed_visit_assattr(dnode)
-> for infered in node.expr.infer():
-> for res in _func(node, context, **kwargs):
-> for infered in stmt.infer(context):
-> for res in _func(node, context, **kwargs):
-> stmts = list(self.assigned_stmts(context=context))
-> for node in func(*args, **kwargs):
-> for infered in _resolve_asspart(self.value.infer(context), asspath, context):
-> for part in parts:
-> for res in _func(node, context, **kwargs):
-> for node in func(*args, **kwargs):
-> for callee in self.func.infer(context):
-> for res in _func(node, context, **kwargs):
-> for node in func(*args, **kwargs):
-> for obj in owner.igetattr(self.attrname, context):
-> self._wrap_attr(self.getattr(name, context, lookupclass=False), context),
-> values = self._proxied.instance_attr(name, context)
-> if not hasattr(const, '__proxied'):
-> return getattr(self._proxied, name)
-> if not hasattr(const, '__proxied'):
-> return getattr(self._proxied, name)
-> if not hasattr(const, '__proxied'):
-> return getattr(self._proxied, name)
-> if not hasattr(const, '__proxied'):
-> return getattr(self._proxied, name)

And so on...

I still don't understand the code, but now I know where the unbounded recursion is.
