Comment 0 for bug 1081247

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote : maas provider terminates all unused systems

juju/agents/ process_machines says:

 | """Ensure the currently running machines correspond to state.
 | At the end of each process_machines execution, verify that all
 | running machines within the provider correspond to machine_ids within
 | the topology. If they don't then shut them down.
 | Utilizes concurrent execution guard, to ensure that this is only being
 | executed at most once per process
 | # Terminate all unused juju machines running within the cluster.

This logic/description is clearly fundamentally flawed and means that a given maas user cannot have more than one juju environment on the same maas cluster.

It also means that if a user is using juju, then they cannot deploy a node in *any* other way, or juju bootstrap node will kill it for them.

I did not explicitly check, but I would suspect/hope that this behavior is not the same as the EC2 provider. Ie, I do not expect that juju kills all my running EC2 instances if I choose to type 'juju bootstrap'.