Comment 22 for bug 587745

Revision history for this message
LAVERGNE (michelelavergne) wrote :

Thanks for your quick response...

I have found the response to my question about the windows parameters and jpeg comment, by testing pyexiv2 :
All is in the actual pyexiv2 version . Perhaps this could be useful for some people ...

Here are what I got with softwares I use (windows7, exifmanager ans FastStoneViewer )

 * Exif.Image.ImageDescription : Titre windows7 & Description exifmanager

 * Exif.Image.XPComment : C o m m e n t a i r e w i n d o w s 7
 * Exif.Image.XPTitle : T i t r e w i n d o w s 7
 * Exif.Image.XPSubject : O b j e t w i n d o w s7
 * Exif.Image.XPKeywords : M o t c l e w i n d o w s7

 * Xmp.dc.title : {u'x-default': u'Titre windows7'}
 * Xmp.dc.description : {u'x-default': u'Titre windows7'}

 * Exif.Image.0x9286 : ASCII Commentaire exifmanager

 * metadata.comment : Commentaire jpeg (entrĂ© avec FastStoneViewer)
(Note : The metadata.comment has not the same syntax than the others parameters)

The Image.XP.. parameters are not given in clear but byte format
I can get the string value by using the pyexiv2.utils.undefined_to_string() command
As you can see , it seems that there are blanks between the letters of the words...
Perhaps it is'nt real blanck characters because I have problem when using these values:
I've written such Exif.Image.XPTitle parameter in the metadata.comment of a picture
 * when I read again with pyexiv2 , I get the right value (with the 'blancks' of course)
 * but I get only one letter (the first) by reading with FastStoneViewer
 * when I give a value with real blanck ('l l l l l '), FastStoneViewer understand ok and give me the right value
So, perhaps it's a fancy character between the letters ...
What do you mean about ?