Comment 5 for bug 1668447

Revision history for this message
clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote :

I had been installing pyeclib on my development vm's with `sudo pip install -e .` - which should be similar to `sudo python develop` in that it puts a egg-link to the source tree from which you install into your system packages.

When installed this way a `` file is produced in my virtual environment (for the python version which installed it).

When I run py3 tests from the directory containing the `` built with py2 - and run tests with nosetests with default arguments - then I end up importing the py2 built in the current directory [1]

I think this is mostly only an issue if you do a development install of pyeclib - but it's also terrifying that tox + nose might not test the code it installed in it's virtualenv depending on where you run it from.

I think this is the fix for this issue:

^ oh look i even remembered to closes bug!

1. KUDOS to tim for spotting this in the traceback, and then also for the repro output.