Comment 4 for bug 929944

Revision history for this message
Geert Jansen (geertj) wrote :

Dwayne, it would be great if you could provide windows binaries on the package index. Below are instructions on how to build on Windows. I am doing this on Windows XP. That should produce a binary that can be used on Windows 7 and 8 as well, IIRC.

1. Install MinGW from I downloaded the "mingw-get-inst-20120424" installer. Then I ran the installer selecting C:\MinGW as the installation target directory. In the installer, I only selected to download the C compiler, and nothing else.
2. Install a binary Python from I downloaded 2.7.3 and installed into C:\Python.
3. Install the following patch to distutils It fixes an issue where distutils will use a compiler option that does not exist anymore.
4. Do a "python bdist_wininst". This will result in a executable windows installer in the "dist" directory.
5. Repeat steps 2..4 for every Python version that you want to support.