Comment 0 for bug 584184

Revision history for this message
Aymeric Mansoux (aymeric) wrote :

Some people log on the webchat and expect some immediate support, it would be good to link or write oneor two setences about what is IRC and it should be used...

Typical case:

13:29 -!- Guest615 [~Guest615@***] has joined #puredyne
13:35 < Guest615> This is my first time writing to this chat group: I downlaoded the amd64 image. I followed the
                  procedures to make a usb bootable drive. There seems to be no problems. but when I try to boot from
                  the usb drive.
13:36 < Guest615> I get a message of no OS(image!! What can I do!
13:37 -!- Guest615 [~Guest615@***] has quit [Quit: Guest615]
13:38 -!- Guest787 [~Guest787@***] has joined #puredyne
13:38 < Guest787> Is anyone there!!!! I got cut off.
13:39 -!- jack [~<email address hidden>] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:40 < Guest787> Can someone respond!
13:43 < Guest787> Well this is useless!!! Bye.
13:43 -!- Guest787 [~Guest787@***] has left #puredyne []