Comment 0 for bug 1523643

Revision history for this message
Matt Fischer (mfisch) wrote :

including glance and keystone on a single node leads to a duplicate resource issue.

root@openstack-puppet-test:~# cat q.pp
include ::glance
include ::keystone

root@openstack-puppet-test:~# puppet apply q.pp
Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[python-openstackclient] is already declared; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/openstacklib/manifests/openstackclient.pp:14 on node openstack-puppet-test.openstacklocal
Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[python-openstackclient] is already declared; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/openstacklib/manifests/openstackclient.pp:14 on node openstack-puppet-test.openstacklocal