Comment 0 for bug 1614141

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Franciraldo Cavalcante (c-franciraldo-cavalcante) wrote : Need to create heat domain without changing the default_domain_id

We're trying to create a new domain, for heat for our OpenStack deployment. Currently only using default/Default (id/name).

I've made the addition to create the domain and it's manager user, through puppet. I could test the new functionality through a puppet agent update. When I build my Keystone node from scratch, though, puppet-keystone seems to change the default id to the heat domain:

[-- message on keystone creation --]
==> dev01-keystone-001: Warning: Puppet::Type::Keystone_user::ProviderOpenstack: Support for a resource without the domain set is deprecated in Liberty cycle. It will be dropped in the M-cycle. Currently using 'Default' as default domain name while the default domain id is 'e3f9107d5bea4feaac91e486a5db64b5'.

[-- two domains created --]
[DEV] root@dev01-build-001:/etc/puppet# openstack domain list
| ID | Name | Enabled | Description |
| default | Default | True | The default domain |
| e3f9107d5bea4feaac91e486a5db64b5 | heat | True | |

[-- Authentication Error --]

Even if I set the identity/default_domain_id to default, the mistake persists.

Please let know if there's a way around this problem.