Comment 85 for bug 213053

Revision history for this message
Alejandro R. Mosteo (mosteo) wrote :

I'm sorry for posting in this old bug, but I'm having this issue with yet another program. See for yourself this sequence of commands:

$ sudo -s
# uname -a
Linux tacitus 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 10:18:49 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
# ps ax | grep amule | grep -v grep
 2912 ? R 326:29 amule
# kill -9 2912
# kill -9 2912
# ps ax | grep amule | grep -v grep
 2912 ? R 326:43 amule
# kill -SIGSTOP 2912
# ps ax | grep amule | grep -v grep
 2912 ? R 326:52 amule
# ps aux | grep amule | grep -v grep
jano 2912 82.5 1.0 96156 39396 ? R Dec14 327:26 amule

Basically, the process is impervious to two signals that should have some effect. Meanwhile, its window is frozen and it consumes 100% of one CPU.

I have several up-to-date maverick machines, and this is the only one exhibiting this problem, so perhaps it is dependent on some hardware component.