Comment 0 for bug 304477

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Ben Gamari (bgamari) wrote :

The Ctrl-L keybinding to clear the conversation history in empathy is horribly annoying. At this point, most applications (most notably nautilus and gedit, but many others as well) have followed the lead of Firefox to use Ctrl-L to present a "Go to location" UI.

It is remarkably annoying when you press Ctrl-L expecting this and yet your current conversation is cleared due to empathy accidentally still having focus. Moreover, "L" is on the home-row of most keyboard layouts, thereby making it extremely easy to hit accidentally.

Just to motivate this bug a little bit:
I have hit Ctrl-L accidentally countless times both out of finger-fatigue
and just carelessness. This requires me to interrupt my thought, go up to the menu, open the log window, find the log, restore my previous mental state, and then keep two windows open until I'm finished referring to the conversation history. From a desktop usability standpoint, that's a pretty destructive operation for a home-row keybinding.