Comment 3 for bug 305300

Revision history for this message
bengtan (bengtan) wrote :


I've tried to do as you've described, and ProsePoint behaves the same as Drupal 6.6, which is a different result from what you're reporting.

What I've did for Drupal 6.6:

Install Drupal 6.6.
Add module i18n 6.x-1.0beta6 (no other modules are involved).
Make site_name a multilingual variable by inserting in settings.php:

$conf['i18n_variables'] = array(
  // Site name, slogan, mission, etc..

Add a foreign language (nb)
Add a path prefix 'en' for the default language (English)

Visit .../en/admin/settings/site-information and .../nb/admin/settings/site-information. Confirm that *This is a multilingual variable.* appears for 'Name:' on both pages.

Set 'Name:' in both pages to different values. Refresh both pages in browser. 'Name:' is working fine and has different values for both pages.

Then I did the same for ProsePoint and got the same results: Name works as a multilingual variable.

Obviously, ProsePoint installs many more modules than Drupal 6.6, but i18n is the only 'non-ProsePoint-core' module I added.

And I used the latest (development) version of ProsePoint which is slightly changed from ProsePoint 0.10, but there is no multilingual-related code in ProsePoint so the ProsePoint version should not matter.

So ...

I can't reproduce your issue. If I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it.

Is there anything you've done on your site which I haven't done in my steps listed above?