Comment 6 for bug 288919

Revision history for this message
bengtan (bengtan) wrote : Re: installation completion error message


That fix will be included in the next ProsePoint version, so it won't matter whether you use the altered file, or the original file. (Except that you have to use the altered file if you use a database table prefix, which you're not anymore)

If you make any changes to tma or tma2, they will be overwritten the next time you upgrade ProsePoint. Unless when you do the upgrade, you take care to preserve your css and related changes. That's probably not the best way to proceed.

I would suggest creating a new ( subtheme. Called it tma_ladat or something unique. Don't call it tma3, just in case there is a tma3 in the future :)

If you know what I'm talking about ... you can make your subtheme inherit directly from zen, or you can make it a subtheme of tma or tma2. Whichever suits you. At the moment tma2 is a subtheme of tma, tma is a subtheme of zen. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll see if I can point you to some more longer explanations. Either way, you'll probably need to get your hands dirty with some theming, which may be good or not so good in your opinion.