Comment 11 for bug 261587

Revision history for this message
bengtan (bengtan) wrote : Re: Failed to install

I think I have a workaround. It will involve some editing of PHP code though, so if that sounds too onerous, you might have to find someone to try it for you.

The idea is to not enable path.module until later in the Installation process.

In the file .../profiles/prosepoint/prosepoint.profile,

In the function prosepoint_profile_modules(), at approximately line 597, comment out the line 'path' so it looks like:

    // other drupal core
    // 'path',

In the function prosepoint_profile_install(), add a single line: module_enable(array('path')); to the beginning of that function (approx line 707), so it looks like:

function prosepoint_profile_install($variant) {
  global $node_table;
  variable_set('prosepoint_state', 'install');

Completely clear out your database and restart from anew.

Let me know how you go.

Thank you.