Comment 0 for bug 1168423

Revision history for this message
Sasa Paporovic (melchiaros) wrote :

Please backport conservation-code 20110309.0-1 (universe) from raring to precise, quantal.
The builds run with succes, performed by backportpackage over pbuilder. The installation of the packages were done in precise and quantal over gdebi with success. A functio test was performed in precise and quantal with utilisation of the score_conservation script which is in conservation_code package. The example 1 from

man score_conservation

runned with success.

Reason for the backport:
The package concavity which is bending approval for backporting to quantal and precise
is signifiacant enhanced with the capabilities of conservation-code.
concavity uses protein 3D information to calculate ligand binding sides, which is the first stage in in silico pharmaceutical resarch(followed by docking e.g with autodock-vina).
For enhancing the precision of the ligand binding side calculations concavity needs informations about conserved chains in proteins. This calculation are done by conservation-code.


* precise:
[x] Package builds without modification
[x] conservation-code installs cleanly and runs
* quantal:
[x] Package builds without modification
[x] conservation-code installs cleanly and runs

No reverse dependencies