Comment 0 for bug 42866

Revision history for this message
Andrew Bennetts (spiv) wrote : Web UI dies with NotImplementedError if a "patch" command is in the queue

If a "patch" command (rather than the typical "star-merge" command) is in the queue, the web interface fails to render, and instead gives a traceback:

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py, line 153 in process
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py, line 160 in render
pqm/ui/twistd.py, line 51 in render
pqm/ui/twistd.py, line 91 in getProjectPage
pqm/ui/twistd.py, line 106 in formatOneScript
/home/pqm/pqm/pqm/__init__.py, line 120 in getProjects
/home/pqm/pqm/pqm/__init__.py, line 419 in getProjects

exceptions.NotImplementedError: <bound method CommandRunner.getProjects of <pqm.CommandRunner object at 0x2aaaad637950>>

(apologies for the non-standard traceback formatting, the web interface doesn't provide a copy & paste friendly traceback).