Comment 2 for bug 1190570

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Florian Fuchs (flo-fuchs) wrote :

Yes and No. I'm not quite sure.

The "Yes" part:

A complete index should contain all lists the current user is allowed to subscribe to or is already a member of. It's obvious, right? Otherwise the index wouldn't be complete. If I know a lists exists and cannot find it on the index page, I will assume something's wrong.

The "No" part:

To some users it might look like an error if they see a private mailing list listed on a page they assume to be publicly accessible. It probably depends on whether a user is aware of the fact that the index page shows private lists *only* when they're logged in (and only to members), but shows *no* private lists when they're logged out.

List owners will potentially hate us for that when they start to receive regular complaints like: "I can see <email address hidden> on the index page! Wasn't that supposed to be a secret?!"

A possible solution: Show private lists to logged-in members, but clearly mark them as private, in a way that makes it very clear they're not visible to everyone.

Also: please note that the list index page is not the only entry point to access list info pages. If private lists are not listed on the index page, members can still access a lists info page from their "My Subscriptions" page.