Comment 4 for bug 733182

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Paul Elms (scifly) wrote :

My XML is crap and it was an example rather than full code :)
How about this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<podcast_url> </podcast_url>

Obviously the address is incorrect.. But if you use those tags I can code Pony to read them. No rush to do it, although I'd like a pony release to have this before you launch rantofabkuhn (or whatever it is called), so pony users can get the new podcast automatically. The code changes in pony are not very large so I can get pony sorted fairly soon to do this and it can go out in another bug fix release. All I need from you Fab (other than hosting the file) is the URL to the file once it is up. Obviously it can go up without the RantOFabKuhn feed, and you can add it when you are ready.

Re the file going 404, Pony's XML handling is now more resilient since RantOFab went down :)