Comment 1 for bug 1046163

Revision history for this message
Elan Ruusamäe (glen666) wrote :

echo rpm >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Requirename
echo poldek >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Requirename

works fine:

12:17:31 root[load: 0.01]@ppc rpm/sysinfo# chroot /pld
12:17:56 root[]@ppc /# echo rpm >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Requirename
12:17:59 root[]@ppc /# echo poldek >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Requirename
12:18:00 root[]@ppc /# poldek -e rpm
mark rpm-4.5-56
Processing dependencies...
rpm-4.5-56 marks rpm-javaprov-4.5-56 (req rpm = 4.5-56)
rpm-4.5-56 marks rpm-utils-4.5-56 (req rpm = 4.5-56)
  rpm-utils-4.5-56 marks rpm-build-4.5-56 (req rpm-utils = 4.5-56)
    rpm-build-4.5-56 marks pld-builder-chroot-0.5.20120521-1 (req rpm-build)
    rpm-build-4.5-56 marks rpm-build-tools-4.5-6 (req rpm-build)
rpm-4.5-56 marks poldek-0.30-1.rc3.2 (req rpm >= 4.5-49)
rpm-4.5-56 marks rpm-perlprov-4.5-56 (req rpm = 4.5-56)
rpm-4.5-56 marks rpm-php-pearprov-4.5-56 (req rpm = 4.5-56)
rpm-4.5-56 marks rpm-pythonprov-4.5-56 (req rpm = 4.5-56)
There are 10 packages to remove (9 marked by dependencies):
R rpm-4.5-56
D pld-builder-chroot-0.5.20120521-1 poldek-0.30-1.rc3.2 rpm-build-4.5-56 rpm-build-tools-4.5-6 rpm-javaprov-4.5-56
D rpm-perlprov-4.5-56 rpm-php-pearprov-4.5-56 rpm-pythonprov-4.5-56 rpm-utils-4.5-56
This operation will free 1.8MB of disk space.
Proceed? [N/y] y
Running rpm --erase --root / --noorder...
error: Failed dependencies:
        poldek is needed by transaction dependencies
        rpm is needed by transaction dependencies
12:18:11 root[]@ppc /#