Comment 9 for bug 460177

Revision history for this message
Stephane Godbillon (sgo) wrote :


Is there any reason to change the Mail.buildMessage method's signature (replyTo argument type) ?

r781 : public static MimeMessage buildMessage(InternetAddress from, Object replyTo, Object[] recipients, String subject, String body, String alternate, String contentType, String charset, Map<String, String> headers, Object... attachments)

r782: public static MimeMessage buildMessage(InternetAddress from, InternetAddress replyTo, Object[] recipients, String subject, String body, String alternate, String contentType, String charset, Map<String, String> headers, Object... attachments)

Object type had been chosen to allow to call buildMessage() with a replyTo as a String or as an InternetAdress object.

It breaks some applications that are already in production...