Comment 2 for bug 511955

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Oded Peer (oded-50) wrote : Re: Can not use log4j extensions in log4j configuration, casues ClassNotFoundException

I would really like to avoid having my classes in the "src" directory.
There are a few solutions as I see it:
1. Create a new project for logging. Have this project produce a jar file, add the jar file to play. This is what I've done to work around the problem, but since play does not have a real "build" procedure I would like to maintain only one project. This is more a maven-style solution.

2. Move my log4j.xml file out of the conf directory, and re-configure log4j in a plugin with my log4j.xml file.

3. Have some kind of "boot" play class loader. This will also allow play developers to override the way Play reads the configuration.