Comment 2 for bug 1130785

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M4he (mahe) wrote :

I'm experiencing blurry icons for applications that don't have a corresponding .desktop file (i.e. xfrun4, gpartedbin, pkexec dialog, etc.). They receive the correct icons of my icon pack (Faenza) but in very low resoultion resulting in a blurry image.

A possible workaround is to create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications and setting "Exec=" and "Icon=" accordingly.
I can't seem to fix the pkexec dialog with this though. According to xprop the window belongs to "polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" but putting that into the "Exec=" line doesn't work.

Does BAMF provide the icon image data or does Plank load them?
Is there any other possibility besides .desktop files? Any suggestion about the pkexec dialog?